Near-Death Experience: A Sand Storm in Death Valley

Hi everybody! I decided to share not-so-fun story with you. During our journey in the United States we drove through Death Valley. As you may know Death Valley is a very dry and hot place located in the border of Nevada and California. It's also very low, the lowest point is 86m under the sea-level. You can read more about Death Valley here.

But back to the story. We were driving through Death Valley and we stopped to a shop. The view was absolutely amazing and the heat was so uncomfortable. I saw something far away, I didn't know what it was but it looked like a cloud. I didn't bother to think more about it so we continued driving towards the cloud.

We saw a huge sand storm ahead but we had to go through it
The road led straight to the cloud and at first we were like "Oh cool! A sand storm, this is gonna be such an amazing experience". But once my dad drove forward we realized it was actually pretty serious. The wind made our car shake and as we carefully drove forward we couldn't see then sun or the sky anymore. It was so dark.
This picture was taken when you could still see something, later you couldn't see anything

We had turned our air conditioner off but still it started to smell like sand inside the car. We knew that this bad sandstorms can be fatal so we started to panic. We couldn't drive faster than maybe 10km/h because we couldn't see. It was absolutely impossible to see where the road was. I looked out from the window all I could see was a brown sand wall.

"Can you check that we are still on the road?" My dad asked as the cloud got even thicker. I checked out of my window and I barely saw the road. "Ye-no-yes I guess we are" I said. I felt so terrible and all I could think about was "I'm not ready to die".

We discussed about turning back. But it really wasn't an option. When you can't even see the road, how do you make an U-turn? And how can you be sure that if there comes another car it won't hit you? How about if our car would break? We would have to go outside into the storm because we couldn't stay in the car because of the heat.

The wind was strong and there was sand flying everywhere
It was already a bit harder to breathe as I felt how the sand got in to my lungs. All I saw was sand. All I tasted was sand. All I smelled was sand. We were in a big trouble. Even the temperature inside the car started to rise. The problem was that if something would go wrong we would probably die so all of us were feeling anxious.

If our car would have broke we wouldn't have found any help,

Suddenly the cloud started to vanish. I saw some bushes about 5m away and I could even see a small spot of blue sky. I felt so relieved. We drove faster because we really wanted to get out of there before the storm would reach us again. Luckily we got to the other side of the valley safely.

I can't say that it was a good experience, but it was an experience. Now that I think about it - it was quite amazing and definitely a once in a lifetime thing. Still we could have died and I'm happy to be alive.


  1. This is such a scary experience! Glad you shared your story, your pictures really give a reflection of how bad things can get in a sand storm!

    1. Definitely! We have to be careful when we deal with the nature!

  2. A spectacular and creepy situation at the same time, good to know that you were safe cause this is really Dangerous. nature is an absolutely has a deceiving side sometimes. please take care while you travel.

  3. That sounds super scary. I would be really hard to know what to do in that kind of a situation. Stop? Turn back? Go forward? Glad it turned out alright.

  4. Oh that is certainly scary! We have a lot of sand storms here in the UAE where I live, some not so severe and some very severe. We usually try to stay indoors when there's a severe sand storm warning. I'm glad you got out of it just fine.

  5. Scary experience. Lucky you were in the car at that moment :) .... I had merrily-happy thoughts about going there on one trip to shoot the milkyway at night. Wonder if you can see a sandstorm at night. Definitely wont get to far from the car when I'm planning to do so. :|

  6. Wow! That's scary! But think about it this way - at lease you were in a car, sometimes when people are in the desert they just hide behind their camels! I really enjoyed reading your story and I'm glad you are all safe (and have a good story to tell your friends!)

  7. Wowza! Now that is a scary experience, we went through a sand storm in Jordan and did get a bit nervous too but it wasn't as serious as yours. At least it makes for one hell of a story! :)

  8. Near death experience oh not again. I uttered these words while going through your blog post. I suddenly visualized my own experiences during my adventures.

  9. That is crazy! Never been anywhere near a sandstorm and have no desire to be. I can't imagine...

  10. That wave of sand looks scary! I am glad you came out unscathed from the sand storm. It must have been one hell of a journey passing through the wall of sand! I am glad you made it and I'm sure you must be feeling braver and different after the experience.

  11. Wow that must have been a crazy and surreal experience, I have never been in a sand storm before and reading through this post I don't think I'd like to. As scary as it must have been that is one hell of a story to be able to tell :)

  12. This is really crazy! Who knew that sand storms can be so dangerous when you are in a car and that you can actually drive through them. You were lucky that it passed quite fast and you were able to get out of it.

  13. I've never been in a sandstorm and would have been so scared - most likely freaked out! I'm so glad you managed to drive out of it.

  14. Thank you for sharing! This definitely sounds like a scary experience, especially when you aren't sure the best way to handle. Glad you made it out safely!

  15. You're right - it was an experience at the end of the day, although a scary one. Yikes!! Wishing you better travel experiences in the future :) Cheers!!

  16. It's not a holiday for me without a near death experience, those are always the most fun stories for you to tell after the trip!!

  17. Didn't know much about this, after reading your experience on this, I am sure the experience gonna be scary. Good to know you that you are brave enough to experience. Good luck for the better experience

  18. Glad everything ended up well. And yes, this is experience to remember! Wish you to have save travels.

  19. Wow this sounds like a scary experience. Glad everything turned out okay in the end :D

  20. That sandstorm was really scary.. Thank God you're alright.. Love this article as if im with you during that challenge

  21. It's really a scary experience!!! Good thing that you've overcome this horrible experience. Keep safe always!

  22. Oh, man. I would've freaked out. It must be an experience (once in a lifetime perhaps?). Glad you guys r ok tho.


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